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Democratic Talk Radio Sponsorship & Advertising Opportunities
Your organization, business, campaign or union can sponsor entire programs or buy spot advertising on Democratic Talk Radio at very reasonable prices.

Our Lehigh Valley, Pennsylvania show broadcasts Thursday mornings from 8:05am to 9:00am (Eastern) out of WGPA SUNNY 1100AM in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania. This station streams live on the Internet and all shows will be archived on the Democratic Talk Radio Program Archives page for long-term, anytime listening or downloading for Podcasts. You can sponsor an entire program for $180. A 30 second ad is $20. A one minute ad is $30.

As we add new markets and new shows, more advertising and sponsorship opportunities will develop. Details will be posted on this page. You can bring Democratic Talk Radio to a station near you by sponsoring new programs in your community. We are always open to discussions about new expansion opportunities at Democratic Talk Radio.

For more information about advertising or sponsorship, call 1-443-907-2367 or . The mailing address for Democratic Talk Radio is: 698 Old Baltimore Pike, Newark, Delaware 19702.

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